V003 Legend in San Francisco | Beyond | DVD
V003 Legend in San Francisco | Beyond | DVD
美國境內免稅免郵費 五套以上八折優
List Price :  $15.00 / Set
Your Price :  $5.00 / Set In Stock
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Product Content: 1 Documentary Product Format: 2 DVD Product Language: 2 English 1 Chinese
Description: Legend in San Francisco | Beyond Documentary DVD about 50 min. : Ma Ma Pu is 86 years old. Over the past twenty years, she has come down with cancer of the breast, kidney, uterus, and intestine, and experienced four surgeries. She not only miraculously survives, but also acts robustly like a youngster and is pure and joyful as a child. What is her secret? This documentary offers a vivid testimony of her life through her own eyes and the perspective of her relatives, friends, doctors and pastors.
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W*******u V003 Legend in San Francisco | Beyond | DVD $2.50 1 12/19/19 12:29 PM Transaction
V003 Legend in San Francisco | Beyond | DVD $5.00 1 1/24/19 10:29 AM Transaction
W*******u V003 Legend in San Francisco | Beyond | DVD $5.00 1 12/6/18 2:43 PM Transaction
W*******u V003《彼岸》纪录片 | 旧金山传奇 | DVD $5.00 1 8/20/18 10:41 AM Transaction
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